Tag Archives: Peshitta

Matthew 1:1-19 in the Aramaic

Matthew Chapter 1

1. The book of the genealogy of Y’shua the Mashiyach,the son of Dawid, the son of Awraham.

2. Awraham fathered Yitz’chak, Yitz’chak  fathered Ya’akov. Ya’akov fathered Yehuda and his brothers.  3. Yehuda fathered Peretz and Zarakh by Thamar.  Peretz fathered Khetzron.  4. Khetzron fathered Aram. Aram fathered Amminadav, Amminadav fathered, Nekhshon.  Nekhshon fathered Salmon.  5. Salmon fathered Bo’az by Rachav, Bo’az fathered Awbed by Rawth, Awbed fathered Ishai.  6. Ishai fathered Dawid the king. Dawid fathered Shlemon by the wife of Awrea.  7. Shlemon fathered Rechav’am, Rechav’am fathered Aviyah, Aviyah fathered Asa.  8. Asa fathered Yahoshapat, Yahoshapat fathered Yoram, Yoram fathered Uziyahu.  9. Uziyahu fathered Yotham, Yotham fathered Akhaz, Akhaz fathered Hizkiyahu.  10. Hizkiyahu fathered M’nasheh, M’nasheh fathered Amon, Amon fathered Yoshiyahu.  11. Yoshiyahu fathered Yochanyahu and his brothers in the captivity of Bavel.  12. And after the captivity now of Bavel, Yochanyahu fathered Sh’altiel, Sh’altiel fathered Zerubavel.  13. Zerubavel fathered Awiud, Awiud fathered Elyakim, Elyakim fathered Azor.  14. Azor fathered Tzadoq.  Tzadoq fathered Achin, Achin fathered El’ichud.  15. El’ichud fathered El’azar, El’azar fathered Matan, Matan fathered Ya’akov.  16. Ya’akov fathered Yosip, the guardian* of Maryam, from whom was born Y’shua, who is called the Mashiyach.  17. Therefore, all the generations from Awraham until Dawid were fourteen generations, from Dawid to the captivity were fourteen generations and from the captivity of Bavel until the Mashiyach were fourteen generations.  18. Now the birth of Y’shua, the Mashiyach, was like this:  While Maryam his mother was betrothed to Yosip, without them being united, she was found pregnant by the Ruach haKodesh. 19. But Yosip, her husband was just and did not desire to expose her, yet he was thinking in secret that he would dismiss her. (Matt. 1:1-19 AENT).

Genealogy of the Messiah:  Who Says Matthew Cannot Count to Fourteen?

Greek NT comes under accusation with blatant mistakes as found in Matthew 1.  Verse 17 asserts 
that the generation count must be 14, 14, & 14, and yet in Greek verses 12-16, one can only find 13 
generations, including Y’shua.  In the Aramaic Peshitta NT, the v.16 Yosip is Maryam’s father, not 
husband: Problem resolved.  Secondly, if she is attached to the Davidic line only by marriage as 
written in Greek, then her offspring cannot be the Messiah. The Peshitta (Eastern Aramaic) text of the New Testament fixes all this.

Third, the Peshitta distinguishes the first Yosip (v.16) from the second (v.19), so the contradiction 
with Luke 3:23 disappears. Fourth, see Matt. 8:9 for another usage of “gowra” as “father” rather 
than “husband.”  Lastly, note that it is inappropriate to double any name in an attempt to balance 
the Greek lists.


* The word gowra designates a protector-male or guardian; the context of this verse determines its specific meaning.  Y’shua elsewhere says “which one of gowra, if he has a son…(Mt.7:9),” obviously “father” is intended.

Complete text, with over 1700 footnotes and extensive commentary available in the Aramaic English New Testament:

Aramaic English New Testament

2 Corinthians 4:6-7 from the Aramaic

Because Elohim, who commanded the light to arise from darkness, has Himself shined in our hearts, that we might be illuminated with the knowledge of the glory of Elohim on the face of Y’shua the Mashiyach.*  7. But we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that the excellence of the power might be from Elohim, and not from us.  (2 Cor. 4:6-7 AENT pg. 542)

* A.G. Roth: This verse strengthens the idea that the glory of Elohim is “reflected” in Y’shua’s face.

Aramaic English New Testament

Definition: Sin

And everyone that practices sin, perpetrates iniquity; for all sin is iniquity. (1 John 3:4 AENT pg. 654).

“…all sin is iniquity.”  Sin and iniquity are equivalent according to the “New Testament,” more aptly called the  Renewed Covenant.  But what is iniquity?

The dictionary defines iniquity as “lack of justice or righteousness; wickedness; injustice.”  The page at Dictionary.com includes a usage example from the Torah (Exodus 34:6-7).  Iniquity (lack of righteousness) can therefore be described as “Lawlessness,” which is “Torah-lessness” for those who consider the Bible to be Divinely inspired by the Creator.

You therefore, my beloved, as you know (these things) beforehand, guard yourselves or else, by going after the error of the Torahless, you fall from your steadfastness.  (2 Peter 3:17 AENT pg.458).

While sin is sin, meaning that sin is Torahlessness, without compromise, keep in mind that there is a difference between the occasional lapse vs. a lifestyle of practicing sin:

Everyone that is born of Elohim does not practice sin because his seed is in him and he cannot sin because he is born of Elohim. (1 John 3:9 AENT pg.654)

Secondly, our Father in Heaven has always been merciful towards those who repent:

YHWH, YHWH El, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7).

Does your Sword need sharpening? Pick up your copy of the Aramaic NT today:

Aramaic English New Testament

Hebrews 12:1: Two Ways to Improve Your Race

“Therefore let us also, who have all these witnesses surrounding us like clouds, cast from us all encumbrances and sin which is always prepared for us; and let us run with patience the race that is appointed for us.” (Hebrews 12:1 AENT pg.424).

Notice here how we are encouraged to remove ourselves not only from sin, but ALSO from “encumbrances.”

Encumbrances must be somehow different from “sin:”  Why else would the writer distinguish the two using the separator “and?”  Therefore, we can improve our Race by removing (1) sin and (2) encumbrances from our lives.  Here we will focus on #2. However, the NT definition of sin may surprise you: Check here and here.

Back to “encumbrances:”  Are there things in your life which slow down your race, even if they’re not firmly in the “sin” category? Take a moment and prayerfully consider this.

Chocolate may not qualify as sin, but it could be an encumbrance; caffeine and alcohol are arguably in this same category.  With what reading material do we fill our minds?  Which TV shows, movies, music do we allow past the gates of our eyes & ears?  Which relationships hinder our walk, and which friends exhort us higher?  Our expenditures of time, money, and resources: Are these an encumbrance to our race?  It is up to the individual to decide for themselves.

Consider the witnesses who surround us who are mentioned in the previous chapter:  Hebrews 11.  Consider the shortness of this present life compared with eternity.  Are we really running our race with patience, efficiency, with a goal to actually win?

Don’t you know that they who run in the stadium, run all of them; yet it is one who gains the victory.  You run so as to attain.  25. For everyone who engages in the contest restrains his desires in everything. And they run to obtain a crown that perishes; but we, one that does not perish.  26. I therefore so run, not as for something unknown; and I so struggle, not as struggling against air;  27. But I subdue my body, and reduce it to servitude; lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should despise myself.  (1 Corinthians 9:24-27 AENT pg.514.)

May the Messiah Y’shua bless your race.


Do you find the translation of these NT verses to be attractive?  They have been translated into English directly from the Aramaic–the language spoken by Messiah Y’shua.  More info at the link below:

P.S.  The Aramaic-speaking Syrian church has always known without a doubt that the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews was Paul the Apostle.  This fact was only debated in the West, never in the East.

Philippians 3:20-21 from Aramaic Source Texts

But our concern is with heaven and from thence we expect our Life Giver, our Master, Y’shua the Mashiyach who will change the body of our abasement, that it may have the likeness of the body of his glory according to his great power, whereby all things are made subject to him. (Phil. 3:20-21 AENT)

This is a powerful, encouraging Word.  Our concern is not with earthly things, but Kingdom things and Kingdom issues.  Our earthly physical body will be changed in the end – we will be transformed – puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?  This is the GREAT HOPE.
Backing up a little to verse 17, let’s get more of the context:

Be like me, my Brothers; and contemplate them who walk after the pattern you have seen in us.  For there are many who walk otherwise; of whom I have often told you, and I now tell you with weeping that they are adversaries of the stake of the Mashiyach;  whose end is destruction; whose Elohim is their belly and their glory their shame; whose thoughts are on things of the earth. (Phil. 3:17-19 AENT)

Is your Elohim your belly?  Or rather, is your Elohim the King of kings and the Master of masters?  

Your Elohim, personally speaking, is whom you serve; it is whom you strive to please.  

If your number one priority is your own comfort, your own provision for yourself, even your own diet preferences (“I know the Word says don’t eat such-and-such, but I’ll pick my theologies according to how I want to live; all that old stuff is done away with, right?”) then the answer for you is clear.  If your choices are made according to the ways of the world (“looking out for Number One = mySELF”), then your Elohim is your own belly.  
If, on the other hand, you care to “be like Paul,” and to “contemplate them who walk after the pattern you have seen in us,” then you will not serve your belly; and you will not be “adversaries of the stake (cross) of the Mashiyach.”  
Paul said “be like me” in these other places as well:


1 Cor 4:16  (and my ways v.17) 
1 Cor 11:1,2
1Thess 4:1-7, 11
2 Tim 3:10
So, what is Paul’s “way of life?”
For direct evidence, check out these passages:
Acts 20:16
Acts 21:20-24
Acts 24:14
Acts 25:8
Acts 26:20
Blessings to you, in the name of Y’shua the Messiah.

 Aramaic English New Testament:

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Aramaic English New Testament, Closeup



Here’s a close-up of the Aramaic English New Testament:  As you can see, the Aramaic text from the original Eastern Peshitta is on the right-hand page, and the matching English translation is on the facing page to the left.  מריא being the Aramaic cognate for the Tetragrammaton is represented in English as “Master YHWH,” and you can see for yourself that Holy Spirit, or Ruach haKodesh is truly רוחא דּקודשָא on the Aramaic side, the equivalent of the Hebrew רוח הקודש.  The precious name of the Messiah “Yeshua” or “Y’shua” is seen in the upper-right hand side of this snapshot from Acts 2 as ישוע which is spelled the same in either Hebrew or Aramaic.


Many other names are transliterated in the English to sound as they are in Hebrew/Aramaic, such as “Shlichim” (Apostles, or “Sent-Out Ones”) and “Urishlim” (Yerushalayim/Jerusalem).


The Aramaic is written in “Hebrew Block Letters,” or Ashurri Script, in the current 4th Edition and also the previous 3rd Edition.  In earlier editions, the Aramaic was printed in the Estrangelo font.  In actuality, both Alep-beets originate from Aramaic, which lent alep-beets to Hebrew and Arabic as well.


This Bible is available at JTOD.org/AENT.cfm and the proceeds help the work of Yerubilee in Israel.  







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Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world; but be you transformed by the renovation of your minds: and discern you what is the good and acceptable and perfect pleasure of Elohim. (Romans 12:2 AENT)

Get your copy of the AENT at our site JTOD.org

How do we “discern” the “pleasure” of Elohim? How do we begin to know what gives Him pleasure? What kind of Wisdom do we need to know this? How do we obtain this Knowledge?

Answer: The Fear of YHWH.

The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. (Ps 111:10 AV)

The fear of YHWH is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Pr 1:7 AV)

The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy (Set Apart) is understanding. (Pr 9:10 AV)

Notice that in most English translations (which are from the Greek), the verse in Romans speaks of discerning the “will” of Elohim. That word is ok, in that doing His commandments is certainly according to His will. However it gets confused with a fatalist kind of Father-imagery, as if He dictates to us different levels of the bulls’ eye of His will, i.e. shall we go to college or get a job. However, as we read in the Aramaic English New Testament, the word “pleasure” is more suitable; it speaks toward what we can do to please Him.

Do we want to please Him? Do we actually LOVE Him?

And by this we will be sensible that we know him, if we keep his Commandments… He that says “I am in him” is bound to walk according to his halakha. My beloved, I write no new commandment to you, but the old Commandment which you had from the beginning; and the old Commandment is the Word which you have heard. (1 John 2:3,6&7 AENT)

If you love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15 AENT)

We offer the AENT here at JTOD.org.

Halakha הלכה / How To Walk

And by this we will be sensible that we know him, if we keep his Commandments… He that says “I am in him” is bound to walk according to his halakha. My beloved, I write no new commandment to you, but the old Commandment which you had from the beginning; and the old Commandment is the Word which you have heard.

(1 John 2:3,6&7 AENT pg.652)

“Halakha” in Hebrew, הלכה means “the way of walking.”

Halakha (הלכה) comes from the verb “lelekhet” ללכת which means “to go, to walk; to go ahead; to leave, to pass, to disappear; to follow.”

In Biblical lifestyle, Halakha הלכה means to base one’s life upon the written Word of Elohim.

In Judaism, however, Halakha הלכה refers to following traditions of men. Those traditions are often based upon the Word, but quite often conflict with the Word as well. According to tradition, if the tradition conflicts somehow with the Word, the tradition trumps the Word. At least, that’s what the tradition says!

In the verse above, however, we are not taught to follow the traditions of men. When we read that “Yeshua is our Halakha” this means that He shows us the way we must walk, according to the way He walked.

This is what it means to be a disciple: To walk as He walked.

Yeshua walked according to the Word. He is the Word (John 1). The Word is the same Word from the beginning (Genesis: “In the Beginning”):

My beloved, I write no new commandment to you, but the old Commandment which you had from the beginning; and the old Commandment is the Word which you have heard. (1 John 2:7 AENT pg.652)

What then is the Way in which we should walk ללכת?

Yeshua is the Way.

Yeshua is the Walking.

Yeshua is הלכה.

Y’shua said to him, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” (John 14:6 AENT pg.280).

For those interested in a study Bible, we offer the Aramaic English New Testament (AENT) over at JTOD.org.

Aramaic English New Testament

Colossians 2:16

I got a note today from a friend with whom I’ve been studying; the question is a good one, so I’m posting it here:
May I ask you about Colossians 2:16-20 please? Would this not have some major effect on the lifestyles and beliefs of many Messianic Believers or others who  follow the Law of The ‘Old Testament’? May I please have your ‘take’? THANK YOU!
First of all, let’s check Col. 1:24…
“And I rejoice in the sufferings which are for your sakes; and, in my flesh, I fill up the deficiency in the afflictions of the Mashiyach, in behalf of his body which is the assembly.”
(Col. 1:24 AENT)
Here we see that the Body of Mashiyach IS the assembly – which is the gathering of believers.  For more confirmation, see also Col. 1:17.
This helps with the context of 2:16-17 since BOTH chapters are, after all, part of the SAME letter, right?
Ok, we got it:  The Assembly is the Body of Mashiyach.
Also take note that in Col 1:21 “you (ex-pagans)…were alienated (not anymore!)… because of your evil deeds…”  (their evil works/deeds had alienated them from the Father)
(v. 22) “…to you now He has given peace…that he might establish you in his presence, Set Apart, without blemish and without offense.”
In other words, the ex-pagans of Colosse were alienated from Abba because of their evil works, but now they have received peace by His sacrifice, and Set them Apart, without any offense against Abba.
Now, why is there no offense?  Is it because they simply cannot possibly offend Abba any longer, no matter what they do, simply by virtue of his sacrifice?
Or, is there no offense because they have ceased from sinning?
Let’s pause that thought for now, and move into Colossians, Chapter 2 to get to the question at hand.
First, take note that the warning is against “doctrines of men according to the rudiments of the world (Col 2:8 AENT) and not to be “mislead… by the persuasiveness of words (v4).”  This context is firmly established in verse 20: “For if you are dead with the Mashiyach from the rudiments of the world, why are you judged as if you were living in the world?”
Take note that the phrase “rudiments of the world” is used in both verse 8 and verse 20.  They are bookends for the verses in question, numbered 16 and 17.  “Judge” also appears in verse 20, which is clearly saying “why do you let worldly people judge you if you are dead to the world thru Messiah?”
So when “judge” also appears in verse 16, as in “Let no one therefore judge you..,” the context indicates the real meaning: “Let no (pagan or worldly person) therefore judge you…” since “therefore” is a conjunction indicating the stream of thought which is being followed.
Let’s break it down into an outline:
(v4) Don’t be mislead by the persuasiveness of words
(v8) Beware of philosophy & vain deception, acc. to doctrines of men & rudiments of the world.
(v13) You WERE dead in your SINS, but you are resurrected with Him.
(v14) The handwriting of your debts & offenses has been killed
(v16) Therefore, let no (pagan, wordly person) judge you about YHWH’s distinctive feasts & diet
(v20) For how can you let the world judge you in these matters now that you’re dead to the world?
(v22) Again, as if it isn’t clear enough, we are talking here about commandments and doctrines of men:  Don’t let worldly people judge you according to their doctrines.
(v17) Only the congregation of believers can judge you about Godly things.
What, you didn’t see that in verse 17?  Now, that’s because there’s a big problem in Col 2:17.  Do you have a King James?  The kind where they italicize words which are not actually appearing in the Greek?  If you do, you will see that a very crucial tiny word “is” does not appear there.  If your Bible does not have the inserted words italicized, then check blueletterbible.com and you can see for yourself that the “is” is just NOT THERE.
So, simply remove the itty bitty “is,” and you get:
(16) “Let no (pagan) therefore judge you… (17) …BUT the Body of Mashiyach.”
“Let no (pagan) therefore judge you… EXCEPT the Body of Mashiyach.”
Insert an “is” in there, however, and you wind up with a non-sequitur.  Apostle Paul does not use non-sequiturs.
So now let’s deal with the list of items in verse 16:  “…food and drink… the distinctions of festivals and new moons and Shabbats… (AENT).”
What exactly is this list?  Let me demonstrate by explaining, Scripturally, what this list is NOT.
The listing in verse 16 is NOT “philosophy and vain deception (v8),” it is NOT “doctrines of men and rudiments of the world (v8),” it is NOT “sins (v13-14)” which you are now DEAD to, and the list is NOT  “commandments of men (v22)” but part of the Commandments of YHWH.
Therefore, don’t let worldly people judge your observance of Heavenly activities, because the world will judge you according to their own doctrines and rudiments.
The only people who should be judging your Heavenly activities is the Body of Messiah.  Because these Heavenly activities are foreshadowings of Heaven;  thus they are Heavenly activities, not worldly activities.
In other words:
“Why for heaven’s sake would you let worldly people judge your righteous acts?”

Righteous acts such as:
Food and drink (Leviticus 11, Genesis 9:4, John 6:53-54, 1 Cor 11:25-27)
Festivals (Lev 23, Deut. 16),
New Moons (Ps. 81:3. 1 Sam 20:5, 1 Kings 4:23, Isa 66:23)
Shabbats (Lev 23:39, Ex 16:23-29; 20:8-11; 31:14-16; 35:1-3, and Also Lev 23 & Deut 16).
So, coming back to Colossians 1:21-22:
“…you (ex-pagans)…were alienated… because of your evil deeds… to you now He has given peace…that he might establish you in his presence, Set Apart, without blemish and without offense.”   (Col 1:21-22 AENT)
After examining so much of the context and tone of this epistle, I believe we’d have to say that the pre-believing Colossians were (in the past) alienated because of their evil deeds, but now that Messiah has brought them into peace with YHWH, they will be established in His presence, and “Set Apart, without blemish and without offense” by the very virtue of the fact that they are no longer sinning, i.e. no longer involved in evil works.  Instead, now that the penalty for their lawbreaking has been paid, these ex-pagans are now walking in righteousness now that they have learned His ways.
See Colossians 1:9-10:
“Therefore we also, from the day we heard (of it), have not ceased to pray for you; and to ask that you may be filled with a knowledge of the will of Elohim in all wisdom and in all spiritual understanding; (10) That you may walk as is right and may please Elohim with all good works, and may yield fruits, and grow in the knowledge of Elohim.” (Colossians 1:9-10 AENT)
The knowledge of the will of Elohim is written in the Torah and the Prophets.
Walking rightly and pleasing Elohim with all good works is found through spiritual understanding of the Torah and the Prophets.
What have I just done?  Have I twisted the scripture?
No, I’ve untwisted it.  I’ve shown the true meaning which is in accordance with the structure and context of
the whole chapter, even the entire epistle.
Some folks really want Colossians 2:16-17 to be a warning against keeping the Torah.  But the only way to get such a warped interpretation would be to ignore the rest of the chapter, and the rest of the epistle.  Just pull those two verses fully out of context, add a word here, ignore words there, and you can have a dandy time bending it into your favorite pretzel.
Here’s the kicker:
Apostle Peter warned us against such perversions of Paul’s letters in 2 Peter 3:15-17.  He even explained that such twistings lead to the “error of the Torahless.”  And we have seen here that this wresting of Colossians 2:16-17 has done exactly that:  Lead people into the error of the Torahless.
Thanks for your questions.  If you have any more, just let me know, and I’ll give it my best.
And, if you feel it’s time to get a real study Bible that’s not influenced by the likes of Constantine, and you’re ready to check out the Aramaic English New Testament, I’d like to be the one to ship one out to you.
Here’s my link:



Aramaic Scriptures Proving Yeshua’s Divinity

Phil 2:11 (AENT) and that every tongue should confess that Y’shua the Mashiyach is YHWH, to the glory of Elohim his Father.

1 Cor 12:3b (AENT) “…neither can a man say that Y’shua is master YHWH, except by the Ruach haKodesh.”

Luke 2:11 (AENT) For today is born to you in the city of Dawid the Savior who is Master YHWH, the Mashiyach.

All verses from the (AENT)
Aramaic English New Testament