The December 21, 2010, lunar eclipse dazzled viewers across North America. This image is a two-exposure combination taken in Mead, Colorado, by attaching a digital camera to a 4-inch telescope. Photo by Richard McCoy
By Teddy Chadwick
On June 15, 2011, there will be a full lunar eclipse visible only in Israel, parts of Africa, and the Middle East, as well as parts of Asia and Australia; but VERY well seen in Israel, AND visible in the night sky for a longer period of time than normal. Arguably, this bit of info is quite significant, depending upon what you know about prophecy, eschatology, and current world events. Let’s check into it a bit further:
A full lunar eclipse is a bit rare. It’s called a blood moon because only the infra-red band of light gets around the earth and bounces off the moon to be seen by us, only in certain places on the globe depending on the angle. What’s even more rare is when 4 of these blood moons happen in a row.
(Additional background about moon signs here).
What’s even more rare is when all four of these consecutive blood moons occur on YHWH’s Feast Days, commonly and erroneously known as Jewish Festivals. (In the Bible, the Feasts are called “The Feasts of YHWH,” never “Jewish Feasts”).
So, four consecutive blood moons, all occurring on Feasts of YHWH. And that’s what is going to happen in 2014 and 2015. Meaning, Israel will see the world will witness full lunar eclipses on Passover 2014, Tabernacles 2014, Passover 2015, and Tabernacles 2015.
Ok, back up a little, and let’s get a few questions out of the way:
“Does YHWH use the moon for signs?”
Yes: Genesis 1:14, Luke 21:25.
“Are Feasts relevant to YHWH, and related to the moon?”
Yes: Leviticus 23.
“Are blood-red moons prophetic in Scripture?”
Yes: Joel 2:10,31; Acts 2:20; Rev. 6:12.
Update: I just received a photo of the June 15 eclipse so I’ll insert it below:
1494 Sep. 15 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – None for the next 456 Years.
16th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast days
17th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
18th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
19th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
Major Event – Israel becomes a Nation in 1948.
Year Feast
1949 Apr. 13 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1949 Oct. 7 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
1950 Apr. 2 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1950 Sep. 26 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – 6 Days War – Israel takes control of Jerusalem in 1967.
Year Feast
1967 Apr. 24 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1967 Oct. 18 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
1968 Apr. 13 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1968 Oct. 6 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – Broken Peace Agreement?
Year Feast
2014 Apr. 15 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
2014 Oct. 8 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
2015 Apr. 4 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
2015 Sep. 28 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – None for the next 500 years.
22nd Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
23rd Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
24th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
25th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
(above timeline credit:
Additional notes and figures, from:
“The last Jewish Tetrad happens to be bracketed perfectly by two central lunar eclipses which naturally define both a seven year period according to Daniel 9 and a seventy year period according to Luke 21:32, and Psalms 90:10.
“And as a final note ALL of the eclipses that fall on high holidays, happen to be visible from Jerusalem.”
Time line (Luke 21:32, Psalms 90:10, Dan 9)
1948 + 70 years = 2018
1968 + 50 years = 2018
2011 + 7 years =2018
Time line (Daniel 9)
June 2011 + (2520 Days + 30 Days + 45 Days) = July 2018
More figures below, from:
“June 15 2011(Blood moon) to July 23 2018 is 2595 days (1260 + 1335 days given to us in the Book of Daniel) and just 4 days later is July 27 2018 (Blood moon) a total of 2599 days.”
“My hand is opening an extraordinary door, leading to something glorious that I’ve kept specifically for this generation. The marketplace will be shaken and my Spirit shall cause wells to spring up in places least expected.
“On Tuesday, I require all of My warriors to shut their mouths.” Wow! A silent day? Impossible. But then He proceeded, “I want to hear NO COMPLAINING or negative words proceeding from their mouths on Tuesday specifically.”
Malachi 3:16:
“Then those who feared the Lord SPOKE TO ONE ANOTHER…..AND THE LORD LISTENED….AND HEARD THEM; SO A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE WAS WRITTEN BEFORE HIM FOR THEM THAT FEARED THE LORD, AND THAT THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME.” The word “spoke” in Hebrew is Dabar which means to “commune, command, declare, pronounce and subdue.” The word “thought” is Chashab which means, “to value and weave.” YES!!!!
And now, for a few more sites and headlines for further reading:
Blood Red Moons In The Tribulation
A Most Excellent Total Lunar Eclipse, June 15, 2011
Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2011
EU pushing peace plan based on Obama’s ‘1967 borders’ speech
Lebanon PM: New government to liberate land under occupation of ‘Israeli enemy’
Report: Document reveals Nakba Day clashes planned by Syria government
Lastly, while I didn’t get great photos here in Israel, I’ll post what I have of the latter part of the eclipse as the moon moved out of the Earth’s shadow:
And finally, that nice composite pic of the blood moon eclipse December 2010:
The December 21, 2010 lunar eclipse. This image is a two-exposure combination taken in Mead, Colorado, digital camera attached to a 4-inch telescope. Photo by Richard McCoy