Tu B’Shvat: New Year for Trees

On Tu B’Shvat in Israel, people like to go outside and plant trees.  (AKA “Tu Bishvat” and “New Year for Trees”).  We like to eat fruit from trees like dried fruits since traditionally that’s how fruits from the previous season were preserved, prior to global exporting practices.
But “New Year for Trees” is nowhere commanded in the Scriptures.  As such, Tu B’Shvat is a good example of how Romans 14:5 relates to feasts which are not Commanded in the Word:  That is, some feasts may be relatively harmless, although not commanded; participation in such feasts is optional and up to each individual’s choice.  In the Body of Messiah, we are not to judge one another about non-mandatory things:

One man discriminates between days; and another judges all days alike. But let every one be sure in regard to his knowledge.  6. He that esteems a day, esteems (it) for his Master: and he that esteems not a day for his Master, he does not esteem (it). And he that eats, eats to his Master and gives thanks to Elohim: and he that eats not to his Master he eats not and gives thanks to Elohim.  (Romans 14:5 AENT

What do you think? Does this passage relate to non-mandatory feasts?  Leave your comments below.
For further reading on the question, “What are mandatory feasts for the Disciple of the Messiah?”  For this, we click the link to have a look at Colossians 2:16.

 Order your copy of the AENT at our link below:

 Aramaic English New Testament


“Messianic Roots Reggae

from Jerusalem”


Pic: Sunset in Cyprus with a Lovely Ship at Sea

Ah, the romantic sight of a ship pulling into harbor for the night just as the sun sets behind the cooing passengers, back from a seaward adventure. Every cloud has a silver lining and the sky is full of gold.


Um, actually, this ship ran aground here, off the coast of Cyprus. In 1972. And it’s still sitting there. But you wouldn’t know all that just from looking at the picture.


A picture paints a thousand words. It’s just that sometimes those words are completely inaccurate.


That’s why we endorse the Aramaic English New Testament: True Words.





“Messianic Roots Reggae
from Jerusalem”

What About Feasts?

And if one of the pagans invite you, and you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you, without an inquiry on account of conscience.  1 Cor. 10:27 AENT pg. 518

The AV puts it this way:

If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. 1 Cor 10:27 KJV


1: One that “does not believe” equals “pagan.”

2: The feast that an “unbeliever/pagan” invites you to is at the very least, a potential pagan feast.

3: “And you are disposed to go…”  The choice is YOURS.  You are FREE to choose whether or not you wish to attend a pagan feast (such as Christmas).  You are not Biblically constrained to shun unbelievers’ dinner tables at all costs.

4: “Eat whatever is set before you…”  Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it!  Thanks MJ & Weird Al for that one!  Well, with one caveat, found in the very next verse:

But if any one will say to you, “This meat is derived from a sacrifice;” DON’T EAT IT…  1 Cor 10:28 AENT pg. 518

This relates to the larger discussion about “meat sacrificed to idols” which occupies most of 1 Corinthians 10.  Actually, there is one other caveat, expressed elsewhere in the Full Counsel of the Bible, for example:

…for it is sanctified by the Word of Elohim and by prayer.            1 Timothy 4:5 AENT pg. 628

When meat is sanctified (Set Apart), it is FIRST made “Kadosh” by the WORD of ELOHIM (Leviticus 11) and SECONDLY by prayer.

To a first century reader/hearer of the Letter to the Corinthians, it GOES WITHOUT SAYING that the meat offered is from a CLEAN animal.

To those of us in the 20th/21st century, it takes a bit of searching to grasp the principle of eating clean meat from the NT, but it’s unmistakably in there!

“An idol is nothing.” (1 Cor 8:4)  That’s the reason that meat from a CLEAN animal (Lev. 11) can be consumed, once it is cleansed through prayer from any idolatrous spiritual “goo.”

Further, see “Eighteen New Testament Misconceptions” beginning on  pg.794 of the AENT.

In conclusion,  even if you realize that Christmas or Easter, being pagan, has nothing to do with you, it’s Biblically ok to attend such a feast IF you know what you’re doing and IF you are inclined to go.  Who knows?  You might make some friends.

What About Christmas?

As for Christmas, I gradually arrived at the point a couple years ago where I no longer celebrate it.  In short, it is futile to try to sanctify a pagan feast.  Sanctify = “Holy-ize” = “Kadosh-ize” = “make Set Apart” and we already have the Set Apart Feasts as determined by YHWH in Leviticus 23.  Who else but YHWH has the authority to declare Set Apart Feasts?

INSERT: This isn’t as upsetting to life as it seems at first.  Biblically, we can still attend feasts if we feel it is beneficial.  See “What about Feasts” for comments on 1 Cor. 10:27.

The arguments for Christmas just don’t pan out anymore for me:  “Well, we’re not celebrating paganism, we’re celebrating the birth of Jesus.”  Ok – can anyone find ONE Biblical example of anyone celebrating the birth of Y’shua the Messiah as a commemorative yearly event?  How come none of the disciples captured Y’shua’s pearls of wisdom after He blew out the candles?


For that matter, can we find ANYONE’S birthday in the Bible?  Yes, and well, they’re all bad.  For example, on Herod’s birthday, John’s head was chopped off.  How sweet!  Put it on the frying pan with the chicken head.  So the birthday thing in general… not Biblical, but a holdover from pagan cultures which had astrological traditions.   So why celebrate our own birthdays?  Therefore, why Y’shua’s?


His death is what carries meaning for us.  The Atonement.  And that is memorialized in Passover.


Ok, so how about if people don’t get the revelation about how unbiblical birthdays are… and they really want to put up a tree and hang balls on it and kiss under the mistletoe and remember that Jesus was born in Bethlehem?  (All except the last item on that list have pagan origins).


Let me ask them this:  Why, oh why, must we remember Messiah’s birth on the VERY EXACT DAY that the pagans celebrated that the false god “Mithra” was said to have been born?


Next we go to Exodus 32 and take a look at the golden calf scenario.  Most of us grew up thinking that Israel had sunk into depraved idolatry at that point.  They had, but not like we think.  They had entered into MIXED WORSHIP.  Aaron takes a gander at the shiny new calf idol, and then proclaims a feast to YHWH!!  Verse 5.  They were MIXING the worship of YHWH with pagan practices from Egypt.  YHWH absolutely hated that.  YHWH hates mixture.


Christmas is mixture.  Birthdays in general are mixture.  We see in the Bible what YHWH thinks about mixture in Jeremiah 10 and other places.  In other words, “DO NOT imitate the ways of the pagan cultures.”


The Israel of YHWH, by contrast, rather than following pagan customs, instead follows YHWH-ordained customs, such as those in Lev. 23.  In fact, it is YHWH Himself who DECIDES which customs are SET APART unto YHWH and which customs are not, therefore, er, pagan.


In Jeremiah 16:19 the “gentiles” finally wake up and confess the sin of their “handed down” traditions.


In Ephesians 2:11, Romans 9:6-7, and Romans 2:28-29, we see that we are no longer gentiles.  We are ex-gentiles.  There are only two categories of nations in the Bible:  Israel, and Gentiles (goyim).  We are called out of the goyim (like Abraham was in the first place) and called into Israel of YAH.  We are called to leave behind out goyish pagan customs and enter into new life in Y’shua Messiah with HIS customs and ways of life.  “Come out of her my people!”  Rev. 18.  Babylon represents the ultimate in rebellion against YAH (Tower of Babel) which is paganism aka witchcraft.


1Sa 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity (lawlessness) and idolatry.



1 Peter 1:15 “as it is WRITTEN, be Set Apart as I am Set Apart”


This is a cross-reference to Lev. 11.  Find the “be Holy” section in that chapter!


Peter writes “be Holy in ALLLLLLLLL your conduct… as it is WRITTEN…”


Just to rip away the veil a little bit here… when a “new testament” writer says, “as it is written…”, he is referencing the “old testament.”  (See page 833 in the AENT, in the article “Founders of the All Gentile Church” beginning on 829 for more info on these erroneous terms “old testament”).


Also, see my facebook group “Merry Christ Life and a Happy New You,” if you haven’t already, particularly the post which includes the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpQt4LlWqPQ



The deception goes very, very deep.  But armed with Truth, we can overcome the deception:


“One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth.” – Delamer Duverus


For more articles like this, my friend Harold has been doing a huge amount of thinking and writing on foundational issues related to this subject.  Check his articles, such as this one.






“Messianic Roots Reggae

from Jerusalem”


Does Our Father in Heaven Care About Our Music Choices?

For anyone who struggles with music, or just has not given it much thought, this video is very enlightening:

Thanks for watching.  I hope this will bear much fruit in your life and choices.






“Messianic Roots Reggae

from Jerusalem”
