Study in James (Yakov) 1

Doers and Not Simply Hearers

It is quite amazing how the Epistle of  James the first chapter flows so fluidly from the conclusion of Hebrews, found just prior to its postscript found in the final three verses:

Now the God of peace… make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.  (Epistle to the Hebrews 13:20 & 21)

The Epistle to the Hebrews has just completed a thorough treatment of the Law and of the Word of God, including our heavenly reward for keeping His Word at the expense of much suffering in this life for His name’s sake.  See our treatment of Hebrews 12 and other chapters for more on this.

Now we move into James and see not only that our temptations are to be joy to us (v.2,3), but also that the law is a perfect gift from God:

Do not err, my beloved brethren.  Every good gift and every perfect[1] gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (Js 1:16,17)

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. (v.25)

We see here that in verse 25, that the Law (Torah) is the Perfect Law of Liberty.  This liberty does not mean we are free to do as we please, but free to do as we should, according to the Law.  It is Perfect, which is Holy.  The same word “perfect” is used in verse 17 to describe the perfect gifts which by default come only from the Father – and that He never changes.  Therefore, the Torah is also a Perfect Gift which has come down from our Holy, never-changing Father in Heaven.

This is the warning:  “Do not err, my beloved brethren”  (v.16).  The warning is against us who may disregard the perfect law.

For an idea of what Paul taught about the law, let’s peek at Romans 7:12:

Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

On this verse, Robert’s Word Pictures comments:

Holy, and righteous, and good (agia kai dikaia kai agayh). This is the conclusion (wherefore, wste) to the query in verse 7. The commandment is God’s and so holy like Him, just in its requirements and designed for our good. The modern revolt against law needs these words. (RWP)

Continuing in James:

Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  (Js 1:21,22)

Filthiness and naughtiness are the results of breaking the law.

What is the “engrafted[2] word?”  This is the Logos of God, which has been taught to us, implanted in us, even implanted by others into us.  It is this Logos, which has been offered to us by YHWH and written upon our hearts.  He has written it (Logos) in His book by His Spirit, and He has written it upon our hearts by His Spirit.  They are one and the same, for the Spirit will never contradict Himself.

This is the Logos (Word) which we are instructed to receive with meekness (v.21).  We are to be doers of the Logos, and not hearers only (v.22).

“Do not err, my beloved brethren.”  That is, do not despise the Word of God, including His Perfect Law.  Rather, receive it with meekness.  And do not be hearers only, but doers.

May the LORD bless you in the Name of Yeshua.

You can get your own copy of my praise CD if you’d like 🙂

Available at:

Amazon CDBaby GospelReggae GalileeExp

Yerubilee - Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem

[1] 5046 teleiov teleios tel’-i-os from 5056; TDNT – 8:67,1161; adj

KJV – perfect 17, man 1, of full age 1; 19

1) brought to its end, finished

2) wanting nothing necessary to completeness

3) perfect

4) that which is perfect

4a) consummate human integrity and virtue

4b) of men

4b1) full grown, adult, of full age, mature

[2] engrafted 1721 emfutov emphutos em’-foo-tos

from 1722 and a derivative of 5453;; adj

KJV – engrafted 1; 1

1) inborn, implanted by nature, implanted by others instruction

Why no one should buy from these sellers on Amazon

“Cd-connection” and “Cheap-cds:” Pirates!

Reprinted at

Here’s the Yerubilee Page on Amazon in question.

The long and the short of it is, “cheap-cds” and “cd-connection” are burning illegal copies of artists’ cd’s and selling them “new” on They are thieves and the proof is below. Our suggestion is that no one buy anything from these pirates because they are stolen goods.

Buyers can order from us directly on Amazon, CDBaby, or here at
We so appreciate your business! We get the largest percentage of the profits when you order direct from but there a lots of good sites out there that carry our CD.

Contact info is below, in the comments, if you should choose to write to Amazon about this – my letters alone have not gotten Amazon to do anything yet to protect my product, as an artist.

OK, so here is the evidence!

Within 2 short days of getting our listing up on Amazon, “cheap-cds” listed that they had our Yerubilee CD in stock. I emailed them and was informed that they had “4 copies” in stock. Now, that is simply amazing, considering at the time we had not sold even one copy online yet. Our only copies sold were at churches, conferences, or concerts. From where did they get their 4 copies, I wonder? We can also see that “cd-connection” is selling our Yerubilee CD as well. How did they manage to get these copies they’re selling? Yerubilee has only sold a couple hundred of our CDs to date. Is it really possible that there are so many folks who met us at a concert, conference, or congregation, who bought our CD, then turned around and sold it as used to one of these resellers? Even if these CD’s are pre-owned, how do these vendors claim it’s a “NEW” CD? Should be “used,” right? Ah, but the discs are listed as new. And, ooh, they’re shrinkwrapped! Doesn’t that mean they’re new? There’s the misrepresentation: “cheap-cds” and “cd-connection” claim to be selling “new” CD’s. But what is the truth?

The reality is that these sellers on Amazon are shipping false original CD’s and DVD’s. In other words, they are cranking out illegal copies and marketing them as if they were legal originals. Thus, their customers are knowingly or unknowingly purchasing stolen goods from sellers such as “cheap-cds” and “cd-connection.” How do these sellers do it? Through misrepresentation, a bunch of computer printers and CD duplicating machines, and the good will of the majority of potential buyers who do not recognize the signs. I’ll describe in a moment.

But first, let me directly show you what customers are saying about these vendors. At first glance, we see it is 97% positive; However, check their negative/neutral ratings; these are more informative. Let’s take a look at what I gleaned by going through buyers’ ratings. I’ve cut-and-pasted them below with all their telltale spelling and grammatical errors. You can check this feedback yourself at Amazon on the feedback pages. You may go ahead and verify this yourself at Cheap-Cd’s Feedback. You’ll need to keep hitting the “next page” link on the right side to actually find the negatives–but when you do, your eyes will be opened. Below are the examples I found, with my comments in bold.

“Item NOT as described – ‘factory sealed’ does not mean ‘re-shrinkwrapped.’ Item arrived on time, though.”
Date: August 4, 2009 Rated by Buyer: your_next_text

This unlucky buyer suffered from the false advertising that “cheap-cds” uses. “Cheap-cds” claims it’s a new product, when in fact it’s re-shrinkwrapped used product, or worse, a shrinkwrapped illegally-copied product. This customer took notice. Here’s another one:

Date: July 28, 2009 Rated by Buyer: jeffman255

Not only do these sellers re-wrap, but they use low-quality CD cases to package their stolen products.

“CD arrived as ‘New,’ but both CDs were unrecognized by my CD player (BOSE) at the first couple of times. One CD was even jammed (player showing error message) and I had to turn on/off the player multiple times to eject the disk. I did manage to play both CDs once, but didn’t want to play again. This problem has never happened to CDs that I bought from directly.”
Date: July 22, 2009 Rated by Buyer: Ying Z.

Isn’t BOSE a reputable CD player? Yet, Ying Z.’s player could not manage to play the CD from an Amazon seller known as “cheap-cds.” Why is that? Well, you’ll notice, the same thing happens when you burn a CD copy in your computer. It won’t play on all players, nor on most car CD players. It might even break your CD player. Yerubilee does not ship such CDR’s, but (expensive) replicated CD’s, just like you get from the real CD store. Next customer:

“I could be wrong but both cd’s look like they were burned with printed cd labels.The discs are in good condition but the products don’t look like they came brand new from the store.”
Date: July 21, 2009 Rated by Buyer: kabulgrin

I hate to break it to you, Kabulgrin, but you’re not wrong. You got burned CD’s, with cd sticker labels fresh out of an inkjet printer in “cheap-cds” so-called “factory.” These sellers wait for an order to come in, then manufacture one CD copy and ship it to the customer. Great way to make money, if only it weren’t blatant theft.

“Ordered OOP Mikey Dread disc as advertised on label info on Amazon page and instead got copy I could have got from Dread’s web-page for 2$ less. When told of situation, seller replied, ‘We accept returns for a 15% restocking fee, less shipping.’ Thinking it not fair I pay to return a wrongly advertised disc, Amazon agreed and they gave me full refund instead. Pass on these guys.”
Date: July 20, 2009 Rated by Buyer: davide1321

Notice that in the above situation, David got a different album than he wanted, but when he tried to return it, he found out about the 15% restocking fee. Considering that “cheap-cds” are stealing music to begin with, that means they still make a profit no matter what! (They didn’t pay any recording studio costs like the artists do). Lucky for David, Amazon covered his near loss. Next:

“The CD was not in stock when I ordered it.”
Date: July 13, 2009 Rated by Buyer: mahtezcatpoc

Why not in stock? Because they don’t have any stock. They need enough time to burn a copy before shipping their stolen goods to the customer. If they don’t have enough time, or if it’s somehow not worth their while to manufacture the copy (not enough orders of that title, perhaps), they then inform the buyer it’s out of stock. Meanwhile, the would-be buyer has been waiting.

“While the CD did appear to be new, and was shrink wrapped, it was not security wrapped with tape on the inside, and the insert looked to be photocopied. The CD plays well, however I feel a bit jipped paying over 19 dollars for a CD that was not an orginal copy.”
Date: July 12, 2009 Rated by Buyer: bellairsj

Here, “bellairsj” felt as if he’d been robbed. Now, what about the artist who didn’t receive one penny from that purchase? More evidence below, from Mario:

“The CD is not original, it is a very bad quality copy, it does not play in my computer, with the fake label cd’s thikness it does not fit to the play system. I AM VERY DISAPOINTED, AGAIN THE SALLER (sic) SAYS IT IS A ‘BRAND NEW’ WHILE IT IS ‘BAD QUALITY COPY'”
Date: July 11, 2009 Rated by Buyer: mario22317

Another example of a customer who noticed what they actually received. Mario, I’m sorry you got ripped off. I hope you also feel bad for the artist.

Date: June 26, 2009 Rated by Buyer: martin m.

“[I] always have a problem with this company- they advertise the product, then cancel your order a week later.”
Date: June 22, 2009 Rated by Buyer: Kathy Z.

“[It] did not say in advert the cds were abridged. i never buy abridged and this is the second and last time i will buy from them.”
Date: June 27, 2009 Rated by Buyer: jyaphe

Wow, Martin could obviously tell the shrinkwrap was not original. Kathy Z. found it was “cancelled,” and even worse, “jyaphe” got stuck with a shortened version of the CD! Real smooth, “cheap-cds.”

“The CD arrived well-before the shipping estimate:-) The price was great as well. My only complaint was that some of the plastic prongs that hold the CD in place were broken. I would definitely buy from cheap-cds again, though.”
Date: June 20, 2009 Rated by Buyer: Matthew K.

Matthew K. sure is happy about the shipping time. What he doesn’t realize is that he got an inferior illegal CD copy, loaded into a cheap plastic jewel case that no self-respecting musician would allow to carry their disc after pouring so much time, money, and love into their music. Yerubilee’s CD’s come packaged in quality cases that cost more, and normally do not break in shipping. We’ve noticed that the cheaper cases are more brittle.

All of the above feedback was left by real customers regarding their real-life experiences with a vendor going by the name of “cheap-cds.” Anyone can find the feedback for themselves, even write to the customers if they want to verify their witness. Now let’s check some feedback on another seller, going by the name of “cd-connection.” They can be found here at CD-Connection Feedback. You’ll see that their feedback is about 97% positive, but again, it’s the negative/neutral comments that reveal what discriminating buyers have noticed:

“[This] supplier to avoid is a thief(emph. added). He delivers false original cd they are engraved rechercher” [ed: “Rechercher” is French for “seek” or “do research,” advising buyers to research this seller first].
Date: July 31, 2009 Rated by Buyer: TRAN S.

Notice how “TRAN S.” had no problem recognizing the disc that “cd-connection” shipped was a fake, burned copy–even if he mixes his English with his native French.

“Order cancelled. Seller blamed Amazon for the ‘errorneous’ listing. How does that happen ? It’s a mystery …..”
Date: July 23, 2009 Rated by Buyer: dd306

I have a good guess about this “mystery.” Cd-connection didn’t get enough orders for that title to warrant burning a quantity of copies, or buying an original to copy from. Or, they ran out of time. Oh, the hassles of loading stolen music files into the computers… I don’t understand how these people can rob working artists day in, day out, copying music and selling it as if it was new. Still more smoking gun evidence from Colin, below:

“order was cancelled because they did not have it in stock… it should not have been advertised if they didnt have it.”
Date: July 16, 2009 Rated by Buyer: colin j.

“This has also happened with a few other sellers – It just bugs me when I waste time searching to find a known seller with the best price and profile, only to find out days later the item purchased is not in stock after all.”
Date: July 2, 2009 Rated by Buyer: utopialien

More buyers frustrated when the CD they want turns out to be “out of stock.” If only they knew the REAL reason why these vendors are “out of stock.” If they actually received the disc, they would hopefully notice that it’s not “NEW” or “original,” but a CDR copy that may not even play in their CD player.

You’ll notice that on “cd-connection’s” storefront, they don’t actually list any items. None. You have to search for what you want in their search window. What’s the significance? By not allowing the customer to “browse,” the customer is forced to enter a search term, which is traceable. This way, whether a customer buys or not, “cd-connection” knows exactly what people are searching for. So if something is not in their so-called “inventory,” they can simply rev up the printers and run off illegal copies of whatever people want. See for yourself here at

Sellers like “cheap-cds” and “cd-connection” assume that most buyers will not notice they’ve been shipped stolen goods–simply because it’s shrinkwrapped. Sadly, their 97% approval rating shows that they’re right. Most buyers are not wise to this scam. They vendor advertises it as “NEW” and people do not question that. Except for the other 3% who do examine their purchase carefully, most buyers will think that they’ve received a “new” CD as advertised. Some buyers probably believe that they’re getting a used, “as new” CD, which has been pre-owned. That would be fine. That would not bother me at all. Sadly, the customers’ comments clearly reveal that this is simply not the case. They all got ripped off, and so have thousands of artists.

How to recognize the real Yerubilee CD’s:

  • NO STICKER CD LABELS. Yerubilee has never used them.
  • 8-PAGE FULL-COLOR BOOKLET WITH NO PIXELATION. Yerubilee uses expensive printing processes, not photocopies where the color runs if it gets wet, or you can see jaggy pixels making the images and text look fuzzy.
  • REPLICATED DISCS WITH SILVER UNDERSIDE. CDR’s made on a computer are usually green, blue, or some other color on the non-printed side, but not always. Except for the first short run of CD’s, all Yerubilee discs since are replicated with silk-screen printing. Even the first run CD’s did not use sticker labels.
  • BUYER BEWARE: “cheap-cds” and “cd-connection” are NOT APPROVED BY YERUBILEE. In all likelihood, they are stealing our hard-earned profits as well as those of thousands of other hard-working artists who have invested so much in their work.
  • Please see my comments section below for info and details, and contact Amazon at about this issue. We’ve got to stand up for our respected artists!

Legitimate Yerubilee products can be found from seller “wonderfulmusic” on Amazon. “Wonderfulmusic” is actually a Yerubilee band member, and those CD’s will ship from our storeroom in New Jersey.

Of course, the regular Amazon listing is legit (where Amazon is actually the shipper, and gives free shipping on orders over $25). Other approved sellers are CDBaby,, GalileeExperience, and other fine retailers. Of course, you may also order direct from us at where we get the greatest percentage.

I’ll even autograph your CD for you if you like. Just head over to and look for the paypal button.

Thanks for caring enough to read this far. We hope it has been informative. Thank you for investing in this work, and for your prayers!

Blessings, Yerubilee.

“Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem”


Available Now at:
Amazon CDBaby GalileeExperience

Yerubilee “The Green CD” tracks 9 and 10



This is Messianic Roots Reggae from
Jerusalem. Say “Shalom” to Israel’s premier
Messianic reggae band and their
groundbreaking first album.

Yerubilee eases onto the Praise & Worship
scene with a fresh look & sound: Roots
reggae with 10-string Davidic harp, varied
vocalists, live horns, & string section.

Anointed delivery of pop praise tune covers
and originals, reggafied UB40-style with a
fun, unique vibe.

• Contains more 10-string Davidic harp than
any other Messianic or Reggae album.

• Retro-modern Israeli and international
praise tunes – sung in English and

• If King David were here today—might he
play his harp in a reggae praise band?

Pronunciation: (yah-ROO-beh-lee).


“…Unique, outstanding… it’s a NEW
SOUND!” – Daniel Hsu, H.E.A. Judaica,
Hong Kong.

“…The dynamic between the elements of
powerful brass shouts and the chilled out
reggae riffs is utterly delectable… much
respect for making such a fresh approach
to Messianic and reggae worship.”
– Martin I Smith, Cross Rhythms, London.

“…Refreshingly unique rootsy sounds
and message.” – DJ Mike Roots, WAPJ
89.9 & 105.1 FM in Torrington, CT, USA.

Fan Mail
“HOT!! Best version I’ve heard of
‘Roni, Roni.’ Hands down.”
– Fogs Davis

“Blazing music, feelin’ the vibes.
More love, more life!” – Junya Be

“I didn’t believe reggae could be
this anointed!” – Rachel Williams