US: Israel Favors Orthodox Sects

In case you missed it – this article was online at for only a few hours.
US: Israel favorites orthodox sects

Oct. 29, 2009

The State of Israel discriminates against non-Orthodox streams of Judaism and against Jewish-born believers in Christianity, while the Palestinian Authority has not been doing enough to combat Muslim violence against Christians, according to the US State Department’s annual International Religious Freedom Report on Israel released this week.

“Israeli government policy continued to support the generally free practice of religion, although government discrimination against non-Jews and non-Orthodox streams of Judaism continued,” stated the 12,000-word report.

The Orthodox monopoly over marriage, burial and conversion was criticized by US State Department officials.

“Approximately 310,000 citizens who immigrated under the Law of Return but are not considered Jewish by the Orthodox Rabbinate cannot be married, divorced, or buried in Jewish cemeteries within the country,” said the report.

“As in previous periods,” the report continued, “the Religious Affairs Ministry failed to implement the 1996 Alternative Burial Law that established the right of any individual to be buried in a civil ceremony and did not utilize any of the money allocated in the 2008 budget for the development of civil/secular burial plots.”

The report even went into surprising detail about the mandatory marriage counseling demanded by the Chief Rabbinate of all Jews – Reform, Conservative or Orthodox – before being married.

For instance the report quoted from a brochure used by a marriage counselor which State Department officials described as reflecting “traditional Orthodox family roles.” The brochure “compared a woman to clay and urged the husband to ‘shape and mold her as he pleases.'”

In the second half of the report which focused on the Palestinian Authority’s attitude toward religious freedom, the report refrained from entering into the same level of detail in, say, the content of inciting speeches given by imams in mosques.

The report also criticized Israel’s treatment of messianic Jews, who believe that Jesus is the Messiah but adopt some Jewish rites.

Basing themselves on the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, an NGO that defends the legal rights of Jews who practice Christianity, State Department officials noted that Interior Ministry officials denied services to citizens based on their religious beliefs.

“The JIJ’s legal defense caseload included numerous cases dealing with attempts by the Interior Ministry to revoke the citizenship of persons discovered holding messianic or Christian beliefs, or to deny some of the national services such as welfare benefits or passports to such persons.

“In other cases the ministry attempted to block immigration of messianic Jews by refusing to process their immigration applications.”

The report also scrutinized the impact on religious freedom of the ongoing conflict in Judea and Samaria between Israelis and Palestinians.

“The Israeli government generally respected the right to freedom of religion in the Occupied Territories during the reporting period. “However,” the report noted, “Israel’s strict closure policies and the separation barrier constructed by the government of Israel had the effect of severely restricting the ability of Palestinian Muslims and Christians to reach places of worship and to practice their religious rites.

“The security barrier made it particularly difficult for Bethlehem area Christians to reach the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and made visits to Christian site in Bethany and Bethlehem difficult for Palestinian Christians living in Jerusalem side of the barrier.”

The report also noted how the ongoing tension restricted Jewish access to holy sites.

“Israeli law also restricted the ability of Israeli Jews to reach places of worship in areas under Palestinian control.”

State Department officials noted that the restrictions on movement were due to “security concerns” but did not go into details regarding these concerns.

While the first half of the report was devoted to Israel, the second half focused on the Palestinian Authority. The report stated that “PA government policy contributed to the generally free practice of religion, although problems persisted during the reporting period.”

State department officials noted Muslim violence against Christians in Bethlehem and Ramallah and land confiscation.

“The PA did not take sufficient action during the reporting period to investigate and bring to justice persons who harassed, intimidated and perpetrated attacks against some Christian residents of Bethlehem and Ramallah.

“The PA judiciary also failed to adjudicate numerous cases of seizures of Christian-owned land in the Bethlehem area by criminal groups.” The report also noted Hamas’s infringement of of the religious rights of Christians in Gaza.

“Due to the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip, the PA was unable to pursue cases of religious discrimination there. Some Gazan Christians stated that they believed their Muslim neighbors were discriminating against them for their faith; they also raised concerns that no authority was willing or able to reign in extremist groups. Hamas did not adequately address the cases of discrimination against or intimidation of Christians that occurred during the previous reporting period.”

reprinted from the Jerusalem Post.

Hamas: War will settle Jerusalem dispute, not talks

On Day1 of this week here in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, I heard helicopters and shots being fired (perhaps warning shots). I stayed in the house, praying, knowing that some disturbance was happening here in the Old City. Arab youths recently have been throwing rocks at Israeli police – probably instigated by their Muslim leaders.

Turns out, this one was near the Temple Mount – and even the neighboring nation of Jordan is sticking their noses into this one.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee” Psalm 122:6

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zech 12:3

“Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace…” 1 Cor 4:11

Hamas: War will settle Jerusalem dispute, not talks ^ | Oct. 25, 2009 | Jack Khoury
Posted on 26 October 2009 03:19:14 AM by Free ThinkerNY

Following a conflagration of violence at Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Sunday, Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal declared that “Jerusalem’s fate will be decided with jihad (holy war) and resistance, and not negotiations.”

Clashes between Israeli police and youths armed with rocks broke out Sunday at the Noble Sanctuary/Temple Mount compound, home of the Muslim holy site, the al Aqsa mosque. The confrontation was apparently sparked by radical Jewish clerics’ call to their followers to go up to the compound, and by calls by radical Muslim clerics for their followers to defend the site.

Meshal, in Damascus, voiced hope that Israel’s Arabs and the residents of the West Bank would join the residents of the Gaza Strip, which is ruled by Hamas, in staging demonstrations in protest of the Jerusalem events, Israel Radio reported.

Meanwhile, Jordan warned the Israel Police and religious Jewish radicals on Sunday that further provocation at the compound would “fuel violence in the region and jeopardize peace efforts”.

“Any new provocative attempts by Israeli troops and Jewish extremists such as what happened today in the shrine’s compound represents a flagrant violation of international law and conventions and sets the stage for more tension and acts of violence,” Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communication Nabil Sharif said in a statement.

“Jordan, out of its historical responsibilities in being the custodian of the holy places in Jerusalem, is extremely worried about what is taking place and warns against going ahead with this provocative behavior on the part of Israeli troops,” he added.


Vivid, Prophetic Dream

Dream:  Early Morning in Jerusalem’s Old City, 10/25/2009

This morning I had a vivid dream.  The colors were very real and the sensations in my hands and feet were readily felt.  It seems this dream has a prophetic angle to it which may be helpful for the Body of Messiah to know how to prepare spiritually for what is to come.  Therefore, I submit this to the Body for prayer and testing.

Dickens Dream - Robert W. Buss (1804-1875)

Dickens' Dream - Robert W. Buss (1804-1875)

I have left out the scenes which seem to pertain only to myself personally.  What I report here are the scenes which appear to be for the Body.  Following the description of the three scenes, I will give what I believe to be the interpretation I have received from YHWH by the Holy Spirit.

Dream sequence, Scene 1:
At night, as I was sitting inside a car with 2 or 3 others, we saw a big field across the street.  In the dim light I could see lots of men fist-fighting.  It seemed completely unorganized;  there was not two sides, or teams, so to speak.  It was “every man for himself” and the violence was cruel.

I and the others are ducking down inside the car, so as to remain unseen by anyone on the street.  We find out after awhile that the fighting has spread and violence has overcome the entire area, with many dead.

Dream sequence, Scene 2:
I am with one dark brown-skinned man, a friend (which I don’t recognize), and we are inside an empty home that is not ours.  The half-finished cooking pans of cake and brownies seem to show that the home was vacated quickly.  Looking out the window of the house, I see that the occupants of the home also had a business in the strip mall across the street.  Was it the clothing store next to the other clothing store?  No, I see there a sign pointing to the back of the building, behind the clothing stores, and one level down.  I decide to go check it out.

Once there I find an empty store/office space, again with half-finished pans of brownies, cakes, and such (party food).  I taste some – it’s good – sweet, and not stale.  I take some to my friend back at the house.

The friend begins to tell me his life story:  How, even though he is dark-skinned, he is not of African descent, rather a different country.  He came from that country and began work in a coal-mine in Kentucky, later moving up to better jobs and locations.
He wants to continue, but we are interrupted, and we must move on from that house.

Dream sequence, Scene 3:
From the house we are caught up with streams of people toward a group of hallways which turn into stairways going downwards.  The stairways are curved elegantly, but under my feet the steps are very uneven – each step is different height, different depth, or both, and some are not even level.  Nearing the bottom I can see that many stairways are all heading down toward the floor of the same great amphitheater hall.  I have the distinct impression that this is the great hall of the United Nations headquarters.

Eventually a man comes to the podium.  He expresses understanding for the difficult times that everyone is facing, and he welcomes all to sleep there in the amphitheater or the hallways above.  He says that the floors will be hard to sleep on, but it will be warm.  He adds that the UN will pay the cost – about 25 euros per person per night – he seeks to appear as a wonderful benefactor to the people.

Scene 1:

Riots and fighting will start, and quickly escalate, with every man for himself.  The fighting soon covers large areas.

This results in Scene 2:
Houses and businesses will be vacated quickly, with little lead-time, even in the midst of celebration atmosphere (the party food half-eaten is not spoiled).
Offices will be emptied of their equipment, while shops (like clothing stores) are simply abandoned with their goods still hanging.

The friend:
He wishes to distance himself from African Americans for some reason, perhaps because the fighting is linked to race riots pitting African Americans against other Americans.

Coal mining – low pay hard labor – typical of new immigrants who work hard to try to climb the ladder.

He is pictured as a friend because he is not part of the destructive riots tearing the nations apart.

Scene 3:
Streams of people filing into hallways:  these are displaced people from many nations moving toward one ideology or “solution.”
The stairways are elegant and curved because their downward spiral has been engineered.  However, each step downward is very rough.  In other words, the downward spiral of each nation has been scripted; yet, the steps downward are not necessarily planned down to the last details.

As each nation reaches the bottom, we see that they are all together in the same position: in an amphitheater (the world stage) waiting for the main event: the Big Man speaking for the United Nations.

When the man says that the United Nations will provide for all the people, this means, in effect, that the United Nations is taking over the governing and upkeep of all the nations.  The UN is using the engineered chaos (the spiral staircases) to lead each nation to its bottom; all nations are in the same position; and then the UN takes them over and the people and nations are under UN authority.  The UN is seen as a great benefactor to the world.

When the man says that the floors will be hard, he means that life will be difficult, but livable (there will be warmth).  The warmth will be paid for by the UN – thereby adding to the benefactor image he wants to present to the world.

So What?
I do not believe that this dream is a result of my own anxious thoughts –because I honestly have not been feeling worried in the least about world events.  I live in Jerusalem and I see the world’s conflicts centering more and more around my city – yet, my trust in Yeshua is firm and I “fear not for He is with me.”

While I do keep up with world events, I rarely if ever see my natural knowledge “leak”  into my dream life.  According to my years of dreams and dream interpretation experience, I feel that the dream contains strong evidence that its source is not my own emotions or the dark side, but that it comes from the Holy Spirit.  As I prayed this morning, I felt a leading to share this dream publicly – a sense that I have rarely if ever had.

If I am correct in sensing that this dream is from YHWH, and that I am supposed to share it, what does it mean for all of us?

I believe that this dream is an outline of events which will happen in the future.  The reason YHWH wants us to know the outline is so that we will not be tempted to fall into fear.  Fear is of the enemy and we are to have no part of it.  Knowing the future can be a help in fighting fear because when the future comes to pass as foretold, our faith in Y’shua is strengthened – and faith is the antidote to fear.

Remember:  “Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18)

Here’s a segment of this verse in context.  Please read prayerfully and with an open heart:

1 John 4:14 – 5:5 (AENT)

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father has sent his Son, a Redeemer for the world. 15. Whoever confesses Y’shua to be the Son of Elohim, Elohim abides in him and he abides in Elohim.  16. And we have believed and known the love which Elohim has towards us: for Elohim is love, and whoever abides in love, abides in Elohim.  17. And hereby is his love perfected with us; that we may have open countenances in the day of judgement; because as he was, so also are we in this world.  18. In love there is no fear; but perfect love casts out fear; because fear exists in peril, and he that fears is not perfected in love.  19. Let us, therefore, love Elohim; because he has first loved us.  20. And if any one will say, I love Elohim, and yet hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother who is visible, how can he love Elohim who is invisible? 21. And this command we have received form him, that whoever loves Elohim, must love also his brother.

5:1. “Whoever believes that Y’shua is the Mashiyach, is born of Elohim. and whoever loves the begetter, loves him also that is begotten of him. 2. And by this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and follow his Commandments.  3. For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his Commandments: and his Commandments are not burdensome.  4. Because, whoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.  5. For who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Y’shua is the Son of Elohim?” (AENT)


  • When Elohim’s love is perfected in us, we are free of fear in the Day of Judgment (v17).
  • He who loves his brother does not participate in rioting and fighting against one another, BUT abides in that brotherly love.
  • He who is abiding in love is abiding in Elohim, and vice-versa.
  • Fear exists in peril (v.18).
  • The solution is to love Elohim (v.19) and to prove it by loving my brother (v.20).
  • Elohim’s command is to love my brother (v.21)
  • We cannot say we love Elohim if we do not keep His Commandments (which are not burdensome): His Commandments are Torah, the word which means “Instruction in Righteousness.” (5:3)
  • We overcome the world thanks to our faith in Yeshua! (5:5)
  • Teddy Chadwick of Yerubilee on Finnish TV (FINAL Showtimes)

    filmsetTeddy from Yerubilee, filming on location in the Jerusalem Forest

    The name of the program is “Israel Art.” During the interview I share about worship and art, play some live tunes on my Davidic harp, read from the Hebrew bible (Psalm 24) all to the lovely backdrop of the Jerusalem forest in the mountains surrounding the City of the Great King.

    For the Web: You can see it through the internet stream at the correct hour at, click on the words “Netti-TV”, and you get the streaming window.

    Or, paste into your browser or into Windows Media Player (or VLC etc).

    If you are in Finland, you can watch it on TV7.

    The rerun airs on:

    Thursday, 29th October:

    7:15pm EST (USA)
    1:15 am Finland/Israel

    Friday, 30th October:

    2:45am EST (USA)
    8:45 am Finland/Israel

    The program aired the first time on Sunday, 25th October at:

    3:45pm EST in the USA
    9:45pm Finland time
    9:45pm Israeli time

    Additional times are shown on the website (click “Netti-TV”) and we will try to post them here. Feel free to check the tv7 website – the upcoming showtimes are on the left side scrollbar – our show is called “Israel Arts – Teddy Chadwick.”

    Recent Yerubilee updates:
    Invitation to Minister in Nigeria

    Spin Masters and The Kingdom

    Buy Our Lovely Music

    Teddy Chadwick,
    “Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem”

    “Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
    in Israel and in the Nations”

    follow me on

    Yerubilee Videos

    The only place to order autographed CD’s,
    shipped from Israel:

    Jerusalem Tabernacle of David (JTOD)

    Yerubilee: Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem

    Spin Masters by Ron McGatlin

    Blessings to you in Yeshua’s name!

    Hey, I’m posting another great word here – it’s challenging – and all about the Kingdom.

    This will certainly offend religious spirits. If you feel you’re getting offended, take time out and pray!



    “Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
    in Israel and in the Nations”

    Published By Ron & Barbara McGatlin

    (Note 2: I have personally endured a strong core-shaking prophetic experience this past week that severely demonstrated the extreme passion of God for the pure gospel of the kingdom to be firmly planted in the earth. The following article is related to that prophetic experience. Some of the things said plainly in this article may be beyond what some reading this are ready to receive and understand at the moment.

    Please do not totally disregard what is said because it may not fit what we were previously taught. Please allow the Holy Spirit time to confirm or deny what you are not ready to receive at the moment. If you think about it, most of us do not believe now exactly what we thought was absolute truth ten or twenty years ago. What we believe now may be subject to further clarification by the Spirit and the word. We are on a journey of transformation to a fresh realm of kingdom reality. Much love and respect, Ron)

    1. The Spin Masters
    By Ron McGatlin
    The most critical issue in the entire world among all the people of the world is the coming forth of the kingdom of God. The first priority of all life according to Jesus is seeking the kingdom and His righteousness.
    Fresh pure kingdom truth from heaven is flowing by the Spirit into the hearts of true apostolic servants/sons of God to transform God’s people and eventually the world to the kingdom of God.
    No sooner is the fresh word of the kingdom spoken or written than the merchandising spin masters begin to tweak it and twist it to fit their programs and further their causes.
    This is not referring to saying the same things in a different way or making application to the same principles in different ways to communicate kingdom truth in unique cultures and circumstances. This is speaking about mixing in other fallacious teachings coming from the religious past and twisting the kingdom word to make it fit another agenda. It is also noted that people are in different stages of seeking transition, and some are battling with releasing previous beliefs attained prior to hearing the word of the kingdom.
    We are all at different places in our transformation and transition into the fresh restoration of kingdom. Obviously, while in transition the old religious things may for a season and to a degree coexist with the new kingdom reality. It is our intention to encourage and not to accuse the brethren who are still in early process of transformation from past teachings which, are being washed away by the Spirit and replaced with the true gospel of the kingdom as Jesus first proclaimed and demonstrated it. However, it is important to know the difference between the kingdom of God reality and where we have been.

    Beware of the spin masters. Not everything that says “kingdom of God” on it or in it is the pure word of the kingdom. Some of what is being proffered today has been spun off into a good sounding perversion to manipulate people.
    Personally, I believe that God is not pleased with the contamination of the pure gospel of the kingdom. I am sincerely concerned for the continued well-being of some who are mixing the kingdom word with fallacious teachings from the old church systems to keep their thing going. This seems to me to be ultimate merchandising and is not going unnoticed in heaven.
    There is a deadly drug the enemy uses as a tool. This drug causes people to get hooked on using good things of God to feed their own needs or desires. This drug is like a poison that tastes good. When one begins to use it, more and more is required until there seems no way out of the addiction. This drug might be called “ministry mammon.”
    This is not at all a new problem; it has been around for millennia. What is new to the situation is that in this season, the real gospel of the kingdom is now being proclaimed on a broad scale.
    To whom much is given much is required.
    The restoration of the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom is a vital step in the history of mankind and the world. It is very important and is where we have been heading since Christ Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated it two millennia ago. It is not good that some are treating the precious word of the kingdom with the same devices that have been applied to teaching and preaching in the past church and ministry systems of mixture.
    Simply stated spinning off the gospel of the kingdom for ministry mammon or any other purpose will be met with much more immediate and intense corrective response from God than similar offenses in the previous religious season. There is more accountability since the return of the “Christ in His Body (temple) understanding and reality” that brought the return of the proclamation of Christ’s gospel of the kingdom again on earth.
    To pretend obedience to the gospel of the kingdom while seeking to provide for one’s personal gain or building one’s own kingdom will not be long tolerated in this developing apostolic age in which the risen Christ has returned as a life-giving Spirit to cleanse the temple (His Body) and build His glorious church (ekklesia) to establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Heaven’s New Jerusalem model is coming down and being formed on earth, and there shall nothing enter it that defiles.
    Christ Jesus as a man in His natural body proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom and after Pentecost proclaimed it through His apostles as a life-giving Spirit. At that time there was immediate strong response to anyone who joined themselves to the kingdom movement and then subversively sought personal gain (ministry mammon).
    Ananias and Sapphira became a recorded biblical example of the serious repercussions of this kind of offense while connected into the holy environment of the manifesting kingdom of heaven on earth (Acts 5:1-12).
    A Warning from God
    A warning from God today is not a threat; it is a loving plea to consider and change and to beware of a potential significant loss. Ananias and Sapphira were strong, capable people who had obviously been blessed of God to have things of substantial value. Yet in an instant of time, all their strength left them, and they could do nothing. They could not reply or get up or even move a muscle. They had nothing. Their life’s work, their goals, and ambitions for ministry and doing good things for others ended in a heap of dead flesh and bones. All of their dreams were gone, and their possessions were dispersed to others.
    Think about this. The things they did were natural for the culture they had lived in. For them, a very short time ago before the coming of the Holy Spirit ushered in the apostolic season of the proclamation of the kingdom, their behavior would have been normal and even considered noble. They were doing a good thing and giving a lot of money to the cause at hand for meeting the needs of all the people in the community of believers.
    Possibly, their reasoning for what they did was that they had seen others give much smaller amounts into the community treasury, and some of those giving may have had a number of dependent children who needed to be fed from the community coffer. It would make sense for them to put in a proportionate amount, plus possibly some more out of generosity, and at the same time hold back some for themselves. They could have even thought to give what they had held back, if it were ever badly needed to provide for the community later.
    What was so wrong about what they did that is cost them everything?
    One way to look at this is that their fatal mistake was connecting into the kingdom of God community. There were surely lots of people in the nation who had nothing to do with the kingdom movement who did much worse things. Yet, they did not suddenly lose all and drop to the floor dead.
    If you are set and determined to be a merchandising minister, you will do well to stay far away from the pure gospel of the kingdom. You will last much longer in the old systems with the old ways. Do not connect with the apostolic kingdom of God reality unless you are willing to leave all ministry mammon desires behind.
    A deeper look
    However, if you are set and determined to move on with the pure, holy gospel of the kingdom, then let us take a deeper look for understanding into the picture painted for us in the case of Ananias and Sapphira.
    First and foremost, they were not walking in the Spirit. They were walking in their natural minds trained in the synagogue with the ways of the past religious system that was only types and shadows of the coming kingdom. It is absolutely necessary to loose the old ways of past religious church systems. To mix them with the gospel of the kingdom will not turn out well.
    God is doing a new thing. In recent years, we have seen many notable leaders involved in powerful moves of God that have suddenly lost all their strength, in some their entire ministry, and in some cases their lives. Like Ananias and Sapphira, the protection of God pulled back and Satan entered into the hearts of these once-powerful ministers because they were not fully walking in the Sprit and therefore became involved in ministry mammon. And these happenings were in the early expression of the fresh kingdom reality which is now becoming much more intense.
    We cannot look to our natural minds for guidance and deny the leadership of the Spirit and still safely connect into the real kingdom of God. If we are not walking in the Spirit and thereby living a life that proclaims the reality of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, then we are not proclaiming the pure gospel of the kingdom. We must not try to add a portion of the kingdom word into our religion in order to maintain or increase our ministry’s share of the market and fund our operation.
    Again, the word and ways of the kingdom will not mix with ministry mammon. Many things we have been taught and that worked to some degree in the past are not the gospel of the kingdom. Our past belief structure from previous religious teaching are often not kingdom and are subject to being changed by God in this kingdom transformation season to more perfectly align with His word.
    Are we proclaiming the pure word of the kingdom?
    We may not be IF:
    We modify the pure word of the kingdom to keep religious people from being offended.
    We speak of Jesus and not His kingdom to gather people and sell our books.
    We make room for the rapture theory because so many still believe it.
    We make room for the pastor/priest/bishop rule as clergy over a congregation of laity.
    We proclaim the Melchizedek priesthood to re-establish an order of priestly hierarchal rule over the priesthood of the believer.
    We teach the principle or law of the mandatory tithe is valid in the kingdom.
    We avoid the apostolic ministry to preserve our present structure of church rule.
    We see ourselves or anyone other than Christ as head of a church group. There is a distinction between Headship and leadership.
    We avoid clear teaching on the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit and the need to be fully saturated (baptized) in the Spirit, because it offends many who have been falsely taught in the past church systems.
    We are trapped in ministry mammon and refuse to obey the Lord in addressing open sin and spiritual lack among those we minister to because we may loose favor and reward from them.
    We feel that we want to really preach and demonstrate the kingdom, but it would cost us too much.
    We believe the kingdom should remain confined in the church and not also affect the culture areas such as government, education, business, media, and all facets of life.
    We are not willing to become living sacrifices for the furtherance of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
    Many reading this may be offended by at least some of these. It is our religious beliefs that are assaulted by the kingdom reality. Let these not become areas for you to defend and debate but rather points to really consider and seek the guidance of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit to bring clarity of understanding and fresh wisdom and direction in moving ahead in the journey of kingdom transformation.
    Obviously this is an incomplete list and a book or at least a chapter could be written on each of these things. These are not meant to be a teaching here but a check list to point up transformation needs. Therefore, scriptures are not included with each.
    For kingdom teaching dealing with these things and more I heartily recommend the “Kingdom Growth Guides” and other books and resources available for Free Download on the website.
    Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
    and His kingdom never ends.

    Ron McGatlin


    -by A.W. Tozer.

    If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher. The proper, ruler-of-the- synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting.

    Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many), he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the One and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.

    This is only to say that we need to have the gifts of the Spirit restored again to the Church. And it is my belief that the one gift we need most now is the gift of prophecy.

    “Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred” -1 Chr 12:32. A prophet is one who knows his times and what God is trying to say to the people of his times….

    Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on….

    Where is the man who can see through the ticker tape and confetti to discover which way the parade is headed, why it started in the first place and, particularly, who is riding up front in the seat of honor?…

    What is needed desperately today is prophetic insight. Scholars can interpret the past; it takes prophets to interpret the present. Learning will enable a man to pass judgment on our yesterdays, but it requires a gift of clear seeing to pass sentence on our own day….

    “Lord, I pray for that gift of prophetic insight. Move me beyond the knowledge You’ve enabled me to gain through education, reading, and study. I pray that I might lead as one ‘who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the throne.’ Amen.”


    Global Prayerquake 2010 in Nigeria


    Flier for the Prayerquake 2010 convocation in Nigeria.
    I’ve been invited to come sing Yerubilee tunes there for all five nights.

    Thanks for your prayers!!


    “Lifting up the name of Yeshua
    in Israel and in the nations”

    Ministering in Praise in Nigeria

    img 1701 1

    (L) Teddy Chadwick of Yerubilee, (R) Rev. Mosy Madugba of the Minister’s Prayer Network International, Nigeria.

    Glory to the Father in the name of Yeshua!
    We are in the beginning stages of planning a ministry trip in Nigeria, where I have been invited to come and share the Word from Zion — through the music of Yerubilee. Rev. Mosy Madugba is requesting that I come and sing my songs for all five nights at the Global Prayerquake 2010 convocation in Nigeria this January 3-8.

    Rev. Madugba has generously offered to pay half of my airfare. This is no small offer considering the cost as well as the currency exchange rates in Africa. Of the six nations where I have ministered in Africa so far, this will be the first time I have been offered any help by Africa with the flight.

    Please pray with me that the other half will be provided shortly. At this time a ticket costs $1863 so half of that is roughly $1000, more or less, not counting other transport needs and living.

    This meeting is the largest non-denominational gathering of pastors in the entire continent. Many pastors from most if not all of the African nations will be there. I believe that this is an open door for me to bring His message of loving Him, loving His people, and His Land Israel in a greater way through worship to have a huge impact on the great continent of Africa.

    Many of you already realize the tremendous revival that has been moving in Africa by the power of the Holy Spirit. Many nations there are releasing their ministers out to the nations with great results. As an emissary from Israel, I have already brought the message of blessings Israel (Genesis 12:3) to 6 African nations, including my work with the Israeli Knesset in my role in the first ever Jerusalem Summit Africa – Cape Town, South Africa, 2006.

    Please pray and see if the Father might use you to help this come to pass.

    Many blessings!!

    Teddy Chadwick

    “Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
    in Israel and in the nations”

    To help:

    The Finnish TV Shoot

    Glory to Yeshua, I’m thinking that the filming for Finnish TV went ok yesterday. At the last minute a Brother stopped by and showed me a lovely place in the forest – so I invited the film crew to check it out – and it turned out better than the other locations we had discussed. Actually the crew said it was one of the best locations they’ve used.

    The crew also said that the filming went well – so we’ll see how they do the editing, LOL! The interview section seemed intriguing, with thought-provoking questions I had to answer. For the music part, I sang my songs without the Yerubilee band, just solo on the Davidic harp – and they said it sounded beautiful. By His grace! All the shots are in the forest in the mountains surrounding Jerusalem (to the south).

    We then got some shots while sitting on a rock reading the Scripture with the sun setting just behind me. For part of that, I read Psalm 24 aloud in Hebrew. We heard a donkey braying somewhere in the background! Lots of birds of course – but a very, very peaceful quiet location, in the presence of the LORD. With the very very sensitive microphone we did have to pause occasionally to let an airplane pass by in the distance (no flyovers allowed over Jerusalem but even distant planes could be heard softly) and the Jerusalem train rumbling around an another nearby mountain.

    May all this be used for the Glory of YHWH the King of kings, in the wonderful name of Yeshua. To all those who were praying – thank you!

    In Him,

    Teddy Chadwick

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    “Messianic Roots Reggae

    from Jerusalem”

    Buy Our Lovely Music

    Finnish TV

    By the way, today I’m filming an interview for Finnish television. I was just praying that I can get everything ready in time: the harp tuned up, the microphone and technical things sorted out, preparing the right songs that the LORD wants, and… I was just about to write that I can’t find my tuner! I’ve been praying for Abba to help me find it – and just now i looked at a little box and i just knew the tuner was in that box. So I left the computer and checked, and it was there. Thank you Yeshua for helping in every way.

    So the film crew is picking me up at 2:30, I’m taking them to my favorite spot in Jerusalem to pray, and we’re setting up and filming at 3.

    Any prayer support you can give would be appreciated! My heart is for more and more Finnish people to fall in love with Yeshua and with His land, His people Israel.

    Teddy Chadwick,“Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem”
    follow me on

    Yerubilee Videos:

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    “Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
    in Israel and in the Nations”