If Mayans were good at predicting the future, there’d be Mayans.
Link to the Mayan conversation on Facebook here:
If Mayans were good at predicting the future, there’d be Mayans.
Link to the Mayan conversation on Facebook here:
Some people have great faith in the Creator; others, not so much. Why this difference? I will give a few examples to show that great faith comes from internalizing His Great Faithfulness. He is now gathering His people back to the Land not for the people’s good behavior but for His Name (Ezek 20:44; 36:22,32). And He will not allow the people to be scattered again (Amos 9:15). We see from the Ezekiel passages that His Word is True; therefore, it’s not a huge leap to believe that Amos 9:15 is also true. YHWH promised He would regather His people Israel back to the Land, and wow, look! He’s done it (1948). That’s the big picture and yet there are issues we face in our lives where we must personally rely upon His faithfulness to lead and guide us every step. (Isa. 30:20-21). I refer to these prophecies simply to show that my faith is based upon His record of being faithful, in the history of Israel and in personal life. Yes, we all know that Israel has been disobedient and has suffered as a result (Dvarim/Deut. 28) but YAH would never forsake His own child (Isaiah 49:14-16). Continuing on thru verse 26 that He will multiply His people upon the Land once again, and the oppressors’ violent deeds will come to nothing. Again, this has nothing to do with Israel’s behavior or obedience; notwithstanding, Israel will respond to His love and mercy with her obedience (Ezekiel 11:16-21; 36:17-31, Isaiah 66:23).
Teddy Chadwick, Israel
JTOD.org & Yerubilee.com
“Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem”
“Lifting up the Name of Yeshua in Israel and in the Nations”
As for Christmas, I gradually arrived at the point a couple years ago where I no longer celebrate it. In short, it is futile to try to sanctify a pagan feast. Sanctify = “Holy-ize” = “Kadosh-ize” = “make Set Apart” and we already have the Set Apart Feasts as determined by YHWH in Leviticus 23. Who else but YHWH has the authority to declare Set Apart Feasts?
INSERT: This isn’t as upsetting to life as it seems at first. Biblically, we can still attend feasts if we feel it is beneficial. See “What about Feasts” for comments on 1 Cor. 10:27.
This article is intended for those who are
interested in the Feasts of YHWH.
Sept 29th, 2011:
The other day, on the 27th, I wrote in my email newsletter: “the NASA data predicts the New Moon will fall just after sunset on the 28th. The
Rabbinic calendar’s 19-year cycle, based on more antiquated scientific data, also places the Rosh Chodesh (Head of the Month) on the 28th. But are they right? We shall see!”
Well, we looked and looked… and no moon! We knew
that the moon would set just 25 minutes after the
sunset. That normally means that there’s still too
much light to see the moon before it dips below the
horizon. Last night, it proved to be true.
Therefore, the 28th cannot be the Day of Trumpets (Yom
Teruah) nor can it be the start of the countdown to
Yom Kippur and Feast of Tabernacles. It may start
at sunset tonight if the New Moon is visible.
I say this from here in Israel where everyone has
the day off, the streets are quiet, and people are
celebrating in homes, eating apples and honey.
BREAKING: My friends and I have just spotted the
sliver of the New Moon in Jerusalem and in Rosh
haAyin, which is in Samaria, Israel.
Witnesses: Arieh Levi, Willy Andrechuk, David
Cachicas, Daniela Cachicas, Oriana Torres, Sarita
Torres, Marta Alvarez, Teddy Chadwick.
Therefore, the Seventh Month for 2011 has begun at
sunset on the 29th September. The Day of Trumpets
is from sunset on the 29th to sunset on the 30th.
This is the first day of the month and begins the
countdown to Yom Kippur and Succot.
Pic of the moon over Jerusalem, Aug 31, here:
I don’t know exactly why the NASA data seems to be
incorrect for 2 months in a row. I’ve come to
expect that fro the rabbinic calendar, which quite
often fails to line up with the sighting of the
moon. You can’t make a 19-year cycle using
whatever information is available at the time, and
expect it to be correct forever. The earth’s
rotation is slowing down, the moon’s orbit is
slowing down, even the speed of light is slowing
down! Things change.
As to why the NASA data doesn’t seem to be holding
up, well, maybe there’s been a change in the
earth’s tilt. Perhaps the tilt is related to the
magnetic pole shift, which appears to be in
acceleration, and is now at 40 miles per year, as
reported Jan 11th, 2011 on NBC News:
Rather than depending on NASA, the “rabbis,” or
men, or traditions of men (Mark 7:8-9, Matt.
15:6,9) I propose that we follow the Bible, rely on
YHWH, and “look UP” for our redemption draweth nigh
(Lk 21:28).
To him that made great lights: for his mercy
endureth for ever:
The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for
The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy
endureth for ever.
-Psalm 136:7-9
in love with Messiah Yeshua,
Teddy Chadwick
JTOD.org & Yerubilee.com
Teaching Session by Teddy Chadwick & Gavriel Ogugua. [like]
On Sept 21, Teddy and Gavriel held a seminar at Christ Church in Sheridan Indiana on such topics as the Feasts, Torah for believers, grafted into the Olive Tree, and the two resurrections of Revelation 20. We shared Scriptures, visions and dreams from the prophetic realm. We caught most of it on this recording above.
JTOD.org & Yerubilee.com
“And there will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea. and upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man who will come in the clouds with much power and great glory. But when these things begin to happen, have courage and lift up your heads, because your salvation draws near.” (Luke 21:25-28 AENT).
This might seem like freaky stuff here. But there’s hope: Here, Yeshua the Messiah has foretold that we can know what is happening certain signs. Of course, only followers and disciples of Yeshua would bother to pay any attention to His words. But people have been benefiting from Yeshua’s words for many centuries.
For more info about signs in the moon, check the article here.
For more info about why Yeshua is the Messiah, go here and here and here and…
The increase in earthquakes over the past 50 years or so is just the beginning. I believe that there are some very good reasons why they will increase, and it’s all under control of YHWH the Creator who said way in advance that He will do these things. The following passage describes what happens in the near future when people figure out that earthquakes are coming:
“And the kings of the earth, and the nobles, and the captains of thousands, and the rich men, and the men of valor, and every servant and free man hid themselves in caves, and in the clefts of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the clefts, ‘Fall over us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of their wrath is come; and who is able to stand?'” (Revelation 6:15-17 AENT).
Can the Creator make earthquakes? Well, if He’s the Creator, the answer is self-evident: He can do whatever he pleases. If your curiosity is piqued, leave a message or find some way to start your search for the Truth. I recommend the Bible, from cover to cover. Pick up a great one here and here.
May the Creator bless your path with light.
Come explore Jerusalem through praise, learning more about the heart of David, the heart of the Bride, and techniques for playing the Davidic harp. All this while visiting Biblical sites such as Bethlehem, Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemene, and more, with fellowship in a real Succah (Tabernacle/Booth). Sow seeds into the future as we prophetically worship and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and King Messiah‘s triumphant return.
Our main gatherings and tour will occur right after the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles Conference in Jerusalem.
Secure your own harp here.
Harp Convocation Schedule of Activities:
Yom 4, October 12th, (Succot Eve)
Harp Convocation Welcome and Introduction
Welcome, Orientation, and Introduction to Harp Convocation
Gathering of materials & building the Succah (Booth): Lev. 23:39-43.
Yom 5, October 13th (1st Day of Succot begins at sundown)
Harp Convocation: Construction of the Succah 11 AM
ICEJ Conference Opening Ceremonies (7:30 PM)
International Convention Center Jerusalem
ICEJ Conference runs from the evening Oct. 13th til 18th, the first 5 days of the 8-day Biblical Succot Feast.
Following the ICEJ Conference:
Yom 4, October 19th (6th Day of Succot)
Harp Convocation Day 1
Morning Gathering:
Scripture, Praise & Worship
Harp Lesson and Praise songs on the Harps
Garden Tomb
(Possible burial place of Yeshua the Messiah)
Praise songs on the Harps
Afternoon: Garden of Gethsemene
Playing Harps at Mt. of Olives
(Possible burial place of Yeshua the Messiah)
Visit to a House of Prayer
Evening: Visit to Congregation of Jewish believers in Samaria
Yom 5, October 20th (7th Day of Succot)
Harp Convocation Day 2: “Hoshanna Rabah”
(The Great Salvation: the Great Last Day of Succot)
On this day long ago in Jerusalem, Yeshua the Messiah stood up and said, “If a man thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” John 7:37-38; cf. John 4:14
Morning Gathering at the Succah:
Scripture Reading, Prayer, Worship, & Playing Harps in City of David
Afternoon: Playing Harps in Bethlehem, Birthplace of David son of Jesse
Preparation for the following two Shabbats: the 8thDay
followed by the Weekly Shabbat.
Evening Sunset: Start of “Shmini Atzeret.”
Praise Concert with Yerubilee, worship team which uses the Harp.
The Eighth Day “Shmini Atzeret,” which is an integral part of the Succot Feast (Lev. 23:36, 39, 41; Num. 29:30, 35), followed by the Weekly Shabbat.
Yom 6, October 21st (Shmini Atzeret)
Harp Convocation Day 3
After the Seven Day Feast of Succot, the Eighth Day is a Shabbat, called Shmini Atzeret, meaning “8th Day of the Assembly” or “8th of Abiding” (Lev. 23:39, Num. 29:35).
Worship, Bible reading, and Prayer for Latter Day Rain.
Shabbat, October 22nd (Simchat Torah: “Rejoicing in the Torah”)
Harp Convocation Day 4
Worship, praise, and study.
Shabbat Bible Studies:
Last Words of Yeshua the Messiah, The Woman of John 8, Heart of David, Restoration of the Tabernacle of David, The Seventh-Day Shabbat: It’s Meaning and Purpose,
Overview of the Feasts of YHWH
Yom 1, October 23rd (A Galilee Voyage)
Harp Convocation Finale
Take down the Succah
Check out of hotel
Details to be finalized, but may include, depending on availability:
Journey to the Sea of Galilee
Check into the Guest House in the village of Mary of Magdalene
Play Harps & Praise on the Mount of Beatitudes (Matthew 5 thru 7) overlooking Galilee
Play Harps & Praise while Sailing on the Sea of Galilee
Final Dinner serving St. Peter’s Fish (other entrees also available)
Yom 2, October 24th:
Morning: Worship, Praise, and Reading
Journey back to Jerusalem or Ben Gurion Airport.
In summary, please feel most welcome to the JTOD Yerubilee Harp Convocation.
Come bearing gifts to present to our Heavenly Father.
Ascend to Jerusalem prayerfully, with Thanksgiving and with Joy.
“…And you shall rejoice before YHWH your Elohim for seven days” (Lev. 23:40b).
Secure your own harp here, Yerubilee CD’s here, and Bibles here.
The December 21, 2010, lunar eclipse dazzled viewers across North America. This image is a two-exposure combination taken in Mead, Colorado, by attaching a digital camera to a 4-inch telescope. Photo by Richard McCoy
By Teddy Chadwick
On June 15, 2011, there will be a full lunar eclipse visible only in Israel, parts of Africa, and the Middle East, as well as parts of Asia and Australia; but VERY well seen in Israel, AND visible in the night sky for a longer period of time than normal. Arguably, this bit of info is quite significant, depending upon what you know about prophecy, eschatology, and current world events. Let’s check into it a bit further:
A full lunar eclipse is a bit rare. It’s called a blood moon because only the infra-red band of light gets around the earth and bounces off the moon to be seen by us, only in certain places on the globe depending on the angle. What’s even more rare is when 4 of these blood moons happen in a row.
(Additional background about moon signs here).
What’s even more rare is when all four of these consecutive blood moons occur on YHWH’s Feast Days, commonly and erroneously known as Jewish Festivals. (In the Bible, the Feasts are called “The Feasts of YHWH,” never “Jewish Feasts”).
So, four consecutive blood moons, all occurring on Feasts of YHWH. And that’s what is going to happen in 2014 and 2015. Meaning, Israel will see the world will witness full lunar eclipses on Passover 2014, Tabernacles 2014, Passover 2015, and Tabernacles 2015.
Ok, back up a little, and let’s get a few questions out of the way:
“Does YHWH use the moon for signs?”
Yes: Genesis 1:14, Luke 21:25.
“Are Feasts relevant to YHWH, and related to the moon?”
Yes: Leviticus 23.
“Are blood-red moons prophetic in Scripture?”
Yes: Joel 2:10,31; Acts 2:20; Rev. 6:12.
Update: I just received a photo of the June 15 eclipse so I’ll insert it below:
1494 Sep. 15 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – None for the next 456 Years.
16th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast days
17th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
18th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
19th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
Major Event – Israel becomes a Nation in 1948.
Year Feast
1949 Apr. 13 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1949 Oct. 7 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
1950 Apr. 2 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1950 Sep. 26 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – 6 Days War – Israel takes control of Jerusalem in 1967.
Year Feast
1967 Apr. 24 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1967 Oct. 18 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
1968 Apr. 13 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
1968 Oct. 6 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – Broken Peace Agreement?
Year Feast
2014 Apr. 15 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
2014 Oct. 8 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
2015 Apr. 4 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Passover
2015 Sep. 28 Total Lunar Eclipse Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Major Event – None for the next 500 years.
22nd Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
23rd Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
24th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
25th Century No Lunar Tetrads on Feast Days
(above timeline credit: http://joybysurprise.com/Sign_of_Messiah_s_Return.html)
Additional notes and figures, from:
“My hand is opening an extraordinary door, leading to something glorious that I’ve kept specifically for this generation. The marketplace will be shaken and my Spirit shall cause wells to spring up in places least expected.
“On Tuesday, I require all of My warriors to shut their mouths.” Wow! A silent day? Impossible. But then He proceeded, “I want to hear NO COMPLAINING or negative words proceeding from their mouths on Tuesday specifically.”
Malachi 3:16:
“Then those who feared the Lord SPOKE TO ONE ANOTHER…..AND THE LORD LISTENED….AND HEARD THEM; SO A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE WAS WRITTEN BEFORE HIM FOR THEM THAT FEARED THE LORD, AND THAT THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME.” The word “spoke” in Hebrew is Dabar which means to “commune, command, declare, pronounce and subdue.” The word “thought” is Chashab which means, “to value and weave.” YES!!!!
Blood Red Moons In The Tribulation
A Most Excellent Total Lunar Eclipse, June 15, 2011
Lastly, while I didn’t get great photos here in Israel, I’ll post what I have of the latter part of the eclipse as the moon moved out of the Earth’s shadow:
And finally, that nice composite pic of the blood moon eclipse December 2010:
The December 21, 2010 lunar eclipse. This image is a two-exposure combination taken in Mead, Colorado, digital camera attached to a 4-inch telescope. Photo by Richard McCoy